Please see below a list of clubs within the Northern District. If you are new to the sport please contact the secretary of a club local to yourself who will be pleased to offer advice and inform you of the times they sail and which classes of yachts. Many of the clubs have their own website which will provide useful information.
Abersoch RC Lasers Tim Long 01758 713900 www.abersochboatyardservices.co.uk
Alexandra MYC Dave Hadfield 0161 485 6371
Allerthorpe Alan George 01432 042 4549
Ashton Quays RYC David Stewart 01706 844464
Balne Moor MBC Paul Rudkin 01405 785250 paulnlodge@aol.com
Birkenhead RS&PC Graham Elliott 0151 678 4134 www.birkenheadmypc.co.uk
Blackpool & Fylde MBC Keith Lakin 01253 724250
Bridlington MBS Paul Beardshaw 01482 846873 www.fozziesyachts.co.uk
Burwain RC Lasers Hugh Chandor 07947 023400
Delph Sailing Club John Cronshaw 01204 301400
Doncaster MYC John Bush 07511 103007 www.johnbush60.wixsite.com/dmyc
Fleetwood MY&PBC Vacant www.fleetwoodmypbc.org.uk
Furness MBC David Foster 07790 072504 www.furnessmodelboatclub.co.uk
Herrington Country Park Ian Dunn 0191 488 5629
Keighley & District Chris Spalding 07982 420947 www.kdmes.org.uk
Killingworth MYC Maurice Rhodes 07929 526145 www.killingworthmyc.co.uk
Leeds & Bradford MBC Margaret Barnes 01274 611581 www.leedsbradfordmodelboatclub.co.uk
Llandudno MYC Gareth Morgan 01248 670629 www.llandudnomyc.co.uk
Rawdon MBC Phillip Cox 0113 256 6263 www.rawdonmbc.org.uk
Redesmere Sailing Club Marjorie White 01625 439479
Ripon Sailing Club Ian Smith www.ripon-sc.org.uk
ROFWAC John Goodyear 01484 767226 www.rofwac2.weebly.com
Rotherham MYC Brian Quinn 01623 812454 www.rotherhammodelyachtclub.weebly.com
Scarborough MYC Colin Mason 01723 507077 www.scarboroughmyc.uk
South Manchester MBC Dave Hadfield 0161 485 6371
South Shields MYC Brian W Anderson 0191 338 7649
West Kirby Sailing Club Trevor Jenkins 07528 812228
West Lancs YC Alan Tickle 07712 889117 www.wlyc.org.uk
Windermere MYC Ted Gregg 01539 488715